Little Surprises Everywhere

Day 7 of Bloganuary

This post is my response to the question “What could you do differently?” A list of the writing challenges can be found here.

How many surprises do you think we get in life these days?

Compare your answers to the past.

What I can recall years ago is wondering “Who is calling on the home phone?” “Who is visiting the house today?” “What time are they coming over?” “Who is knocking and stopping by unannounced, perhaps with some goodies?”

Navigating streets by memory, paper maps, and asking a local for directions.

Receiving an unexpected letter in the mail.

Buying a cassette tape or CD for one song and joyously discovering a new favorite amongst all the others.

“What movie did you get?” after returning from the video rental store.

“Grab bags” lining a grocery cart labeled with “man,” “woman,” “boy,” or “girl” with sale and discount items bundled up and disguised in a stapled paper sack at the drugstore. They ranged from $1-5 worth of items. You hoped to pick a “good one.” I always hoped for the discontinued inventory Maybelline eyeshadow trio and chapstick containing one. Or chocolates and candy.

Running into friends at the shopping center or mall.

Not knowing what everyone is doing all the time so the next time you see them you have so much more to talk about.

Kitchen-table talk.

Speaking of kitchen, not even relying on a timer, peeking through a window, or using an oven light!

The way we communicate, along with technological advances have changed life so much. I’ve thought about this a lot lately. Notably the elements of surprise and the shared communal, social realm.

Especially how audio/video podcasting of interpersonal conversations and online conferences as per this format have become so popular. Which is great in some ways. Sure, I can leave a like, comment, and participate in the online chat alongside all the wonderful and amazing things on the Information Superhighway.

But it often feels like we’re consuming and consuming, and rarely putting out or interacting in a mutual fashion of the same caliber and substance with one another, in real time.

There are pleasant surprises that come with first hand, daily interaction, in-person experiences that have become far less common over the years.

I think many are longing for such times.

There’s a yearning for face-to-face. Seeing initial reaction. Connecting with those in close proximity. Often unplanned, being more personable, and empathetic.

Selecting words carefully, whether casually or formally. Learning about news or a subject and connecting the dots while drawing straight from memory. Figuring things out for yourself and with other people instead of jumping on the internet.

Making spontaneous, yet deliberate choices. Appreciating the effort and time. Makes for very special moments in life.

Though I’m grateful for it, I don’t think all the technologic replacements and online avenues are always the best enhancement or substitute. Because even hand-written letters convey so much. I, in particular, love reading old love letters.

I enjoy these aspects about traveling. Particularly the places I’ve been, where it’s like stepping back in time because of the under-resource.

And I love it.

It’s grounding, it’s centering. Exciting yet calming. Less stress in so many ways.

You become more attuned to your surroundings and more attuned to people. Time moves slow. Relationships are near, deep, and rich. Even small exchanges are interesting and meaningful. The unknowns are welcomed and cherished. Unmet expectations are taken with stride. Unforeseen mishaps are approached with grace and sandwiched with gratitude.

What could I do differently?

Add more elements of surprise in my life and the people around me.

I suppose in reference to my post photo I can ask, “Who would like to come over for some hot chocolate?”

If you’re participating in the Bloganuary writing challenge be sure to link your posts and let me know what you could do differently in the comments below!


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